Monday, October 27, 2014

8th Week

This would be a full week of school except that I am having a PET/CAT scan on Friday morning. This scan will show if the cancer has shrunk which will mean that the treatment is working! We will update once we have results. Since it will be Halloween, I will probably wear my mask.

Last week after the Monday treatment I felt good (better than the week before!) The quarter ended on Friday and I have missed about three weeks of school.

My cousin, April and her husband, Yaro came to visit as well. Yaro works for Ford in Detroit and he brought some Ford cars, one was a Ford Transit which he is in charge of marketing.

He brought some other trucks too. I also received packages from BMW/Mini and RAM trucks both with clothing, hats and gloves. A teacher from Burnley-Moran, Ms. Scott, and my neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan, gave me a Volkswagon t-shirt and hat.
T-shirt from Ms. Scott, hat from the Kaplans.

My blood counts came back and were good so I can go to my usual Thursday breakfast this week and I don't have to have injections. I have a busy week, something every night (Boy Scouts, Campaigners, Young Life, Halloween/CHS football game).

Yesterday,I went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Williams in Crozet. They raise Angus cows. Mr. Williams has owned 4 Expeditions. The third one he owned for three years and he put 75,000 miles on it.
Mr. Williams and his newest Expedition. It is 2 weeks old and has 2,000 miles on it already. He makes a lot of trips to Tazewell which is 250 miles away. We have had our car 4 years and we average 8,000 in a year.

This is Big Red, one of the Williams' angus cows.

Monday, October 20, 2014

half-way done, i hope

Last Monday I went to chemo.  I started my second round.  It was a long day.  I had to have 5 drugs put through my port.  I was at the clinic from 8am to 5 pm.  Our friends the Gortler’s came to visit and brought a 28 inch pizza from Benny Deluca’s.  It is a new pizza restaurant in Charlottesville.  It is the biggest pizza I’ve ever seen.  One piec e didn’t even fit on a plate.  I had to have 2 plates.  I liked it so much I ate 2 pieces.  It was a good thing I ate 2 pieces because the chemo made me so sick I couldn’t eat or drink later.

 One good thing was that I got to open a package from Aston Martin.  Julian Jenkins and Candace Cogan sent me some cool stuff—a hat, a mug, a teddy bear.( Tuesday  started off a little better.  I only had to have 2 drugs and I got home at 2:30.  But then my stomach really started to hurt so we ended up going to the ER.  On Wednesday I only had to have 2 drugs, I was supposed to go home at 11:00, but I felt really bad so I had to go to the hospital overnight.   I also got a nice package from Evan Cygler at Miller Motorcars in Connecticut.  He sent me a cool racing jacket and shirt from Ferrari and cool things from McLaren.  Thanks!
It was a long week but I met some nice people at the clinic and the hospital.  One of the nurses in the ER named Tonya lives on a chicken farm.  She drives an Acura.  When she is at home in Harrisonburg, she helps on their family farm.  They raise eggs for Pilgrim Pride--they deliver 10,000 Eggs A Day!  So they have lots and lots of chickens at their farm.  The funny thing is even though she can have as many eggs as she wants, she doesn't like them. 
Today was my halfway point--Yippee!  I had 2 chemo drugs today and the flu shot.  One of my nurses is 6'7" and his wife is also a nurse--she is not so tall.  He used to be the kicker for UVA football and now he teaches other people how to kick. 
Do you want to hear something interesting?  I got an email from my Godfather Louis yesterday.  He has a piece of land in Northern Minnesota.  He has a wild game camera that took a picture of 4 black bears on his property when he wasn't there.
My friend Alan teaching me guitar yesterday

Eating the Jumbo Pizza from Benny Deluca's
A package from Aston Martin
Happy Halloween!

Playing UNO in the ER with my mom and sister

My tall nurse Jimmy and his pretty wife Mary

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Even more gifts!

Even though I've gotten a lot of car things, I'm still getting more from different companies. Some executives have even sent me personal letters, like Peter M. Grady from Chrysler. He told me I should replace my Camaro shirt with one of his! They sent me some stuff by Hemi, like a shirt, a hat, and a model car which is really cool.
That's my friend Nathanael; he's helping with the blog

My aunt Kathy came to visit last week. Here's me with a Land Rover sweatshirt and Jaguar hat, and her.

This is my brother Carlos with his friend David. This is his first time on the blog! He goes to school at Fork Union.
Carlos, left - David, right

My next treatment of chemotherapy is October 13th. I'm a little nervous for it, but hopefully it will go well. It's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, which means I'll miss the PSAT test!

I've also been losing hair for the past week or so, and it isn't fun! But at least I don't have to wash it. It's also a fun excuse to wear lots of hats.
This is me last Wednesday, opening a box from Audi / Bentley. I got a cool Lamborghini model
This is me today, with a nose pencil sharpener from Mr. Dunnenburger and a harmonica from Amanda at Youth Farm
The Lamborghini model from the picture before last. It's super cool! 1:18 scale  

My dad's cousin Cathy who lives in Northern Virginia sent me these cookies! They're really cool.
They also taste amazing!
Two Sundays ago I went apple-picking with Frank's (my Young-life leader) family. His family lives in Northern Virginia and they are very nice.

That's it for today, stay tuned!

Monday, October 6, 2014

My growing Hat and Car Stuff Collection

A lot of people are sending me hats, especially people from different car companies.  Thank you very much for the car stuff.  It makes feel happy to get all of this.  It's good timing because my hair is really coming out.   I'm going to post some pictures of my gear and my hair cut at Charlottesville Barber Shop last week.  My next chemo treatment begins on October 13.
Here I am with some gear from Land Rover and Jaguar.  Look at all
the stuff they sent me in the background.

I have about 20 hats now--some baseball and some knit ones
Jack is my barber.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Haircuts and Hats and Interview

Thank you Ms. Herman for cutting off 15" of you hair for me. It'll make a lot of wigs!

This is my hat collection. Thank you for the hats!
I was interviewed in a Young Life video on Tuesday, September 30. You should watch it, it's very good.